Learn to Skydive
If you want to learn to skydive it will be one of the best experiences you will have in your life. It requires focus, knowledge of the equipment, and patience. The people you meet during your quest to become a certified skydiver will become life-long friends. We’ll get you through your AFF solo course in a timely manner.
Skydiving Course
- A full day of ground school training PLUS 10 training skydives. Give us a call to inquire about upcoming skydiving courses and requirements.
Video and Photos
- We have outside video and photo packages available for any level of your AFF solo skydiving course. Show your family and friends!

There are several teaching methods used to learn to skydive. These are a tandem skydive, accelerated freefall (AFF) sometimes called progressive free fall (PFF), instructor assisted deployment (IAD), and static line deployment. You can read more about these methods on the United States Parachute Association website. At Skydive Ontario we teach using the AFF method.
First of all, the AFF course starts with a full day of classroom training. During the training you will be taught about the basic freefall position and movements, as well as parachute control. You will also be trained on how to recognize and respond to a main parachute malfunction. After you classroom training you will be ready to make your first skydive with your instructors.
On your first jump your instructors will hold you steady through the entire freefall portion of the skydive. At opening altitude they will deploy your parachute for you. If you are ready to deploy your own parachute on your first jump discuss it with your instructor on the ground prior to your first skydive. You will be equipped with a harness mounted radio and your instructor will give you parachute control instructions to safely guide you back to the landing zone.
Learning to skydive is an accomplishment that pays great personal rewards.
First Skydive Methods
- a tandem skydive
- accelerated freefall (AFF) sometimes called progressive free fall (PFF)
- instructor assisted deployment (IAD)
- static line deployment

If you are interested in becoming a certified skydiver it is probably a good idea to get some tunnel time. In the wind tunnel you learn to control your body in freefall. This will help you significantly when you make your first skydive because you will be confident in freefall and and already know how it will feel. It may also reduce the amount of time it takes for you to get your solo skydiving license.
The Toronto area has two iFly wind tunnel facilities. One is located in Oakville and the other is located in Whitby. If you are unsure about taking the solo skydiving course you may want to test your ability and experience a bit of a ‘teaser’ at iFly. Alternatively you could go for a tandem skydive with one of our expert instructors. Most of our staff have spent time in the wind tunnel and some of them are past and present wind tunnel instructors. Come to Skydive Ontario for a skydive and we would be happy to answer any questions you have about learning to skydive.

Follow Skydive Ontario on Instagram with the handle @skydiveontario. Follow our hashtag #skydiveontario #certifiedbadass